HARTIS Pharma SA is collaborating with…
National Institute of Health (NIH -Bethesda - USA) is the largest biomedical research agency in the world and includes number of research divisions. HARTIS Pharma has entered into a cooperative research and development agreement with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Working jointly with Dr Alan Remaley who is the chief of the Lipoprotein Metabolism laboratory and Dr Swee-Lay Thein, section chief of the Sickle Cell Disease laboratory; HARTIS Pharma is aiming to establish together with the experts at the NHLBI solid basis of the membrane cholesterol concept developed at HARTIS for targeting SCD. Moreover, HARTIS has licensed in the Fx-5A ready for entry into human mimetic peptide developed at the NIH. This molecule is anticipated to enter clinical stage phase I in Q4 2019.
DalCor Pharmaceuticals (CANADA) is focused on providing precision medicine through identification of genetically distinct patient populations that derive clinical benefits. DalCor is currently testing Dalcetrapib, a CETP modulator that has proven to be safe in a large cohort of patients with cardiovascular disease as well as shown to be of potential efficacy in a subset of genetically defined patients with acute coronary syndrome. HARTIS Pharma and DalCor are working on an agreement for evaluating dalcetrapib in patients with SCD.
Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I (FRANCE) and more specifically the laboratory of vascular biology and red blood cells lead by Professor Philippe Connes is known as a world leading location in the field of red blood cells and SCD. HARTIS Pharma has established a collaboration with the laboratory of Pr. P. Connes since 2016. The exchange with the laboratory in Lyon is aiming to test the HDL cholesterol hypothesis and best address the potential of HARTIS compounds on SCD by using the capabilities at the well world-wide recognized site.
Hopitaux Universitaire de Genève - HUG (SWITZERLAND) is the largest university hospital of Switzerland. HARTIS Pharma has established a collaboration with the HUG to further assess the concept of cholesterol as a central player in certain targeted diseases. Working with the HUG is aiming at evaluating the therapeutic potentials of high density lipoprotein (HDL), more precisely by regulation of membrane cholesterol and its liposoluble cargo activity of antioxydants.
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois - CHUV (SWITZERLAND) is one of the five university hospital in Switzerland and linked to the faculty of medicine. HARTIS Pharma has developed close relationship with Dr Raffaele Renalla MD, PhD who has studied Medicine in Geneva, pediatrics in Lausanne and Paris. He obtained a PhD in molecular hematology at the University of Oxford before working at the Children’s Boston Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Dr Ranella is deeply involved in research on the genetic diseases linked to hematology and especially in SCD.
Swiss Vitamin Institute - ISV (SWITZERLAND) is a leader in the analysis of vitamins in food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and biological samples for medical diagnostics of vitamins. The concept of HARTIS Pharma linking HDL cholesterol functioning as vehicle for antioxidants, the Research & Development partnership with ISV is particularly important for us. The know-how and capabilities at ISV is serving best the goal of HARTIS Pharma to validate the concept of the therapeutic approach we are exploring at HARTIS.
Universidad del Oriente, Biophysics and Medical Physics Center; Magnetic Resonance Lab - Santiago de Cuba (CUBA) is specialized in measuring hemoglobin physico-chemical characteristics by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technique. HARTIS Pharma has established close collaboration with the laboratory of Dr Manuel Arsenio Lores Guevara who is focusing on plasma and hemoglobin viscosity measurement. The work performed In the laboratory of Dr Guevara has established in vitro activity of HRT-001 compound on delaying and preventing hemoglobin polymerization from samples collected in SCD patients.
The University of Reunion Island is a French public higher education and research institution, located in the heart of the Indian Ocean, one of Europe's outermost regions. By virtue of its unique geostrategic position it is the only European university in the region.
15 000 students are admitted every year at six sites in St Denis (Moufia, Victoire, Bellepierre and the University Technology Park), Le Tampon and Saint Pierre.
Through its research, international influence, range of courses on offer and student living conditions, the University of Reunion Island has many advantages that enable it to play a key role as an interface between Europe and the Indian Ocean.
The University of Reunion Island offers a whole range of full-time and vocational multi-disciplinary and diversified curricula:
European standard-compliant LMD (Bachelor, Master, PhD) degrees in three fields "Arts & Social Sciences", "Law, Economics and Management", "Science, Technology & Health";
job-oriented courses (vocational Bachelor's degree, undergraduate technology degrees, etc.) in widely different fields such as Civil Engineering, Air Conditioning, Banking & Insurance or Networks & Telecommunications;
engineering degrees in three domains "Innovation & Integrated Agri-Food Development", "Telecommunication, Computer and Multimedia Services", "Sustainable Construction & Environment".
The University of Reunion Island is composed of 5 Faculties, 3 Institutes, 1 Engineering School, 1 Teacher Training School, 1 Observatory of the Sciences of the Universe, 1 Training Centre and 1 Language Centre.